2021, September 05, MCCA Lord's Day @ Lyndhurst Methodist Church, Sermon - Rev’d Claude Samuel, 'Practical Faith' Connexional Theme: Heritage and Mission: “Celebrating God’s Faithfulness- claiming God’s Future!” District Theme: ‘Spreading Scriptural Holiness to Reform ...
2021, 15th July - Selection @ Kenneth Robinson Funeral service - Jennifer Williams - I want Jesus to walk with me
2021, 13th July - Selection @ Kenneth Robinson Memorial - Jennifer Williams - Where'er You Walk
2021, 15th August, Jamaica College drive thru Graduation LIVE! Stream
2021, 15th August , 2021 Jamaica College Graduation Wrap
2021, September 05, @ MCCA Lord's Day Lyndhurst Methodist Church, Sermon - Rev’d Claude Samuel, 'Practical Faith'
August 29th 2021, 14Th Lords Day After Pentecost , @ Pembroke Hall Methodist, Sermon Bro. Adrian Nelson ‘Spreading Scriptural Holiness to Reform the Nation beginning with me!’
2021, August 8th- Lyndhurst 104th Celebration & Farewell Service for Rev. Baker & family, Sermon - Sermon - Rev'd Dr. George Mulrain, Sup. Minister of the Providence Circuit
2021, August 8th- Lyndhurst 104th Celebration & Farewell Service for Rev. Baker & family, Sermon - Sermon - Rev'd Dr. George Mulrain, Sup. Minister of the Providence Circuit
2021, August 8th- Lyndhurst 104th Celebration & Farewell Service for Rev. Baker & family, Poem by Sis Carol Riley - Pastor's Wife
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