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Lyndhurst Methodist District – Conference Lord’s Day

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2021, January 24th - Lyndhurst Methodist District - Conference Lord's Day

The Methodist Church in the Caribbean
and the Americas (MCCA)
Jamaica District
Lyndhurst Methodist Circuit

(Balmagie, Greenwich, Lyndhurst & Pembroke Hall)


“Spreading Scriptural Holiness to Reform the Nation…

Beginning with Me”

Sub Theme” Caring for the Body, Mind and Soul as we

serve the present age

3 rd Lord’s Day after the Epiphany

District Bishop: Rev’d Christine Gooden- Benguche
District Conference Secretary: Rev’d Dr. Wayneford McFarlane

Superintendent Minister
Rev’d Curt S. Baker
Circuit Stewards
Bro. Keith Nelson & Sis Pat Smith
Preacher: Rev’d Dr. Karen Durant Mc Sweeney
Liturgist: Sis. Joelle Alfred
Organist: Sis. Paula Brown-Powell & Bro. Michael Beckford

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